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On fire Cav wins again in Italy

Mark Cavendish has done it again!

Just a day after notching up his century of career wins, he has won his fourth stage at this year's Giro d'Italia.

And this time he did it on his own after surviving several climbs in the closing miles and launched himself from 7th place - again his rivals were left in his wake.

His Omega Pharma/QuickStep team were controlling matters until a breakaway made their bid with 7 kilometres to go - the race then fragmented with several attacks from the front of the peloton.

According to The Guardian website, a shattered looking Cav said "I'm so tired - I don't know how I'm going to recover from that before we go into the mountains."

He goes on to say that he didn't even want to contest the sprint today and would have been happy to let the breakaway go, but the orders from the team car were to attack.

He wanders off and appears to genuinely struggle as he climbs the steps to the podium.

The Manx Missile has increased his lead in the Points Race and retains the red jersey.

He's also the first rider since Ivan Basso in 2006 to win four stages in one Giro - this edition is only just halfway through.

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