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Football: Leagues to restart from 27 April

IOM Women's & Girls FA to run U10 & U12 League for 8 weeks

Sport is set to spring back into action from Monday.

Over the weekend, various boards will be putting their heads together (from a safe and social distance until midnight on Sunday at least) to decide what to do with their seasons going forward.

In football, senior teams from clubs who would like to play competitive league games from Saturday, 24 April have been asked to confirm this by the end of today (Friday, 16 April).

The IOMFA has confirmed (subject to government guidelines) the Canada Life Premier League and JCK Division Two will both restart on Tuesday, 27 April.

The Canada Life Combination One League and JCK Combi Two will start the following day on Wednesday, 28 April.

Once we have established if any clubs would like matches on the 24 April we will release the fixtures as soon as possible thereafter.

Meanwhile, the Eastern Manx Youth Games Girls Football sessions will start again on Monday, 19 April at 5pm in the NSC main sports hall.

Those who still need to register can do so here.

Registration closes 7 May. 

The IOM Women's and Girl's FA has confirmed that after the Manx Youth Games has finished, it will be running an All Girls U10s & U12s fun League for 8 weeks for all the girls to continue having fun and whilst playing football.

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