Claims jobs at risk
A union has criticised what it believes are 'radical' changes planned at the Isle of Man Post Office, and warned strike action could result.
The CWU claims jobs, staff pensions and customer services are under threat as part of a five year cost-cutting plan.
Two weeks ago, the Post Office announced the closure of another of its branches, Crosby Terrace in Douglas.
Declines in traditional mail, by almost 50% in the last ten years, have been blamed.
A public consultation on the future of services has been promised by bosses.
But the union claims its results are a foregone conclusion, and has urged the public to beware of 'loaded questions' entailing slashing services.
Members gathered recently to discuss the potential changes, including the end of six-day delivery weeks and the closure of the Post Office pension scheme to new workers.
A motion was passed to express a 'complete lack of confidence' in management, and members agreed that industrial action could be necessary if a favourable agreement could not be reached.