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Team's high and low search for savings

SAVE project invites input from Manx public

A new task force to uncover savings in government of £25 million has been set up - and the Manx public are being asked for their ideas. 

Treasury Minister Alf Cannan has stepped up the drive to cut waste, putting Middle MHK Bill Shimmins at the helm of the team, which has the acronym SAVE - Securing Added Value and Efficiencies.

The minister says he wants savings made in day-to-day areas and by cutting 'big ticket items - but they are as yet unspecified.

The latest target comes on top of £30 million worth of savings already imposed on departments.

Members of the public are invited to put forward ideas via an online portal due to open soon.

Mr Cannan told Tynwald he wants a no-holds-barred savings search:

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