Junior coaching back in action after half-term
All junior coaching is back after the half-term break.
Albany squad coaching covers all ages and abilities.
Mondays: 5–7pm Tour squad
Tuesdays: 4:30–5:30pm Red Ball and 5:30pm–6.30pm Orange and Green Ball
Wednesdays: 4:30-5:30pm Orange Ball and 5:30–7pm Yellow Ball
Thursdays: 5–6pm and 6-7pm Yellow Ball invitation
Fridays: 4:30-5:30pm Green Ball and 5:30–6:30pm Yellow Ball
Saturdays 11:15am–12 noon Tots Tennis and 12–1pm and 1-2pm Red Ball squads
For further information contact Club Coach Ian Watson by e-mail
ianwatsonpts@manx.net .
For potential Mini Tennis players call at the club on Saturdays 11am–2pm for an information pack.
The club will be entering teams in the IOMLTA Mixed Doubles leagues and Ian Watson urgently needs to know by Friday (18 June) how many members want to play in the Leagues.
There are currently enough members to enter 5 or 6 teams but the club often finds women members are shy of competing despite being good enough.
So come on “Girls” give Ian some good news email ianwatsonpts@manx.net or txt him 496293.
On Tuesday, 29 June Albany is running another Open American tournament.
It's open to non-members and we have so far welcomed players from Douglas, Castletown and Ramsey and all seemed to have enjoyed the evening.
Entries close at 6pm on 29 June, tel 861497/498597.
Entry fee just £2 and we provide a buffet supper for a small donation to the club’s Development Fund.
Draw for partners at 6.45 and play starts at 7pm prompt.
If the weather is not good, we play indoors - Champion’ Tie-breaks.
Report by Pat Sharp.