Final week of 2019 netball season
Premier Division
Brown Craine Toomraiders 25-34 Thompson 2
Route 1 Connections 41-19 SMP Partners Ballasalla B
SMP Partners Ballasalla A 32-33 Simcocks Red Eagles
Division One
DAM Plant Young Farmers A 34-28 Marbree Motors
Simcocks Gold Eagles 42-19 The Spaniards
Long & Humphrey Toomraiders 23-39 Route 1 Turbos
Division Two
Simcocks Green Eagles 61-9 WDS Ltd Young Farmers B
Thompson 4 19-50 Route 1 Sparks
SMP Partners Ballasalla C 73-4 Missfits B
Castletown Navy 40-25 PWC Manx Gems Emeralds
Division Three
Simcocks White Eagles 33-30 SMP Partners Ballasalla D
Thompson 5 17-59 Simcocks Silver Eagles
Absolute Scaffolding Red 40-0 Nightingales (conceded)
Thompson 6 17-36 Route 1 Volts
Under 14s League
Division Two
Simcocks Blue 19-15 PWC Jades
Thompson Travel Cats (2) 4-19 Castletown Jets
Division Three
Ramsey Red 26-1 PWC Diamonds