Adhering to the wishes of the family of Gareth Cowin, who tragically passed away on Wednesday, the Isle of Man squad continues to compete at the Special Olympics Winter Games in South Korea which has now been re-named as Gareth's Games in honour of the 25 year-old.
The Floor Hockey team, of which Gareth was a member, have won their first match beating the hosts South Korea. They now have one win, two draws and three defeats.
IoM 1 Afghanistan 1
IoM 2 Japan 2
IoM 5 Kenya 10
IoM 4 Afghanistan 10
IoM 2 Japan 14
IoM 7 South Korea 3
Other events:-
Paul Clucas - Snowshoeing - Division M08
100m - 26.12sec
200m - 58.30sec
PeterTaylor - Snowshoeing - Division M11
100m - 17.69sec
200m - 37.31sec