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Shooting: Wade wins his first IoM ABT Championship

Shoot-off decides competition in Santon 

Report by Peter Kelly:

The IOM Automatic Ball Trap Championship  and kindly sponsored once again by Sadler Agricultural Supplies was held at Meary Veg Santon with 14 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions.

The leader after the first round was Stan Skinner with a perfect 25 straight, in second place on 24 was Dave Corlett followed by John Moore in third place on 22 with Steven Craine, Calum Craine , Alan Wade and Arran Wade next on 21.

Stan Skinner was still in the lead after round two on 47 with Alan Wade and John Moore in equal second place on 44 followed by Rob and Dave Corlett on 43. 

Skinner was still in the lead after round three on 69 but his lead was cut to one point with Alan Wade hitting 24 to have a running total of 68 in second place, John Moore was in third place on 65 with Steven Craine next on 64.

So with all to shoot for in the last round Wade set the target to beat scoring 23 to finish on 91, Peter Kelly had his best score of the day 23 to finish on 83 to put him in provisional second place.


John Moore had a poor last round scoring 17 to finish on 82 as did Rob Corlett who also finished on 82. 

In the last squad was Craine and Skinner who both could get into the top three, Craine finished tying for forth place on 82 along with Moore and Corlett so it was all down to Skinner to see if he could take the Championship and it went down to the last target of the round, hit it he is champion miss it he had a shoot off with Wade and he missed ,so a shoot off was required over a full round of 25 and what a shoot of we had.

Skinner won the toss and elected to go first, hitting his first four targets but missed his fifth but Wade hit all five as he did to the other twenty to record a straight to win his first IOM ABT Championship by one point from Stan Skinner.




1st.) A Wade 21,23,24,23=91+25
2nd.) S Skinner 25,22,22,22=91+24
3rd.) P Kelly 19,20,21,23=83
=4th.) R Corlett 20,23,20,19, 
S Craine 21,21,22,18, J Moore 22,22,21,17=82 

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