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Ryan Cringle joins Mistral for Manx Grand Prix

His brother Jamie on the search for an MGP machine

Manx TT rider Ryan Cringle will join the Mistral Classic Race Team for this year's Manx Grand Prix.

The Douglas man will use the team machinery in the Classic Superbike race and will partner with the outfit's fellow competitors Paul Jordan and Michael Sweeney.

Speaking about the move, Cringle says he's 'over the moon' to ride for the team, adding 'I can't thank Ian and his team enough for believing in me'.

The Douglas man made a good impression on his TT debut this year in which he went on to win the RST Star of Tomorrow award.

Meanwhile, Ryan's brother, Jamie has confirmed the bike he had for the Classic Superbike race was no longer available due to 'circumstances beyond both our control.'

As a result, he's now on the lookout for a new machine and says if there's anyone who may have a bike to use to get in touch with him directly.

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