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I Won't Let You Down

Ramsey B run champions close


Ramsey B put in an excellent performance as champions Southern Nomads won 29-15 at Mooragh Park.

Chris Beaumont, Joe Callaghan, Will Cain, Gerard Landels and Jonathan Crellin all picked up tries for Nomads with Cain converting two.

David Keenan and Andy Done both scored for Ramsey with Ben Harding adding a penalty and a conversion.

In the other Shimmin Wilson Shield game, Vagabonds B beat Emerging Nomads 48-10 at Ballafletcher.

Steve Mercer, Andy Pease, Mark Howarth, Chris Neill and Jonathan Beckley all picked up tries for Vagabonds.

Mark O’Brien scored his first ever try to get Nomads onto the scoreboard with Jimmy Cubbon adding a second late in the game.


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