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Prospective MGP newcomers sample Mountain Course


The first of two Manx Grand Prix newcomers weekends took place recently, attracting 25 prospective competitors.



The latest group to attend the instructive weekend certainly had an international flavour, with two arriving from the Netherlands and one from France to add to the mix of new competitors from the UK, Northern Ireland, Eire and the Isle of Man.



Dutch riders Olaf Romijn and Kevin Van der Gulik have previously raced in the Isle of Man at
the Southern 100, with Kevin having also experienced racing on the ‘other mountain circuit’ – Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough.

Lancelot Unissart hails from Paris and has previously been on the Island to see the Manx Grand Prix Classic Races in 2011.

Three of the party had a short distance to travel, being Island residents; Jack Hunter, Ali Foster and
Stephen Nathan.

Whilst here all 25 had time to complete several sighting laps of the Mountain Course in a minibus and cars.



Experienced riders travelling with them were able to answer questions, provide advice and relay their experiences of riding the circuit.



They also had the chance to put official names to faces as they met with MMCC Chairman Harvey Garton, Clerk of the Course Phil Taubman, Chief Technical Official Peter Maddocks, as well as David Stevens MBE and other members of the committee and were able to take part in a question and answer session.



They were also introduced to Adrian Earnshaw, a trustee of the Mike Hailwood Foundation, who assist in the cost of bringing prospective riders to the Island each year and have been doing so for a long number of years.


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