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Jerry Lee Lewis

Whole Lot Of Shakin' Going On

Hockey: Vikings A continue winning streak

Ramsey holds own against Baccas A

Rossborough Mixed Premier League

Valkyrs B            1-8   Vikings A
Bacchas A           2-3  Ramsey A
Bacchas B           1-3  Valkyrs A
Castletown Celts   1-1  Vikings B

Rossborough Mixed Division One

Harlequins A              3-5  Castletown Southerners
Valkyrs C                  3-1   Baccas Colts
Castletown Cammags  0-2   Castletown Cushags
Vikings C                  1-1   Ramsey Ravens

Rossborough Mixed Division Two

Castletown Cosney  0-6  Vikings D
Valkyrs D              5-1  Harlequins B
Ramsey Rookies     3-1  Castletown Carrick
Vikings E              5-1  Ramsey Crookall Cronkbourne Bacchas C

Rossborough Mixed Under 16

Castletown A  4-0  Ramsey Rogues & Rascals
Castletown B   -  Valkyrs
Vikings          0-8  Harlequins
Bacchas A       - Bacchas B


For more information, head on over to the Manx Hockey Association Facebook page.

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