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Busy autumn at Albany

October and November is competition time at Albany Tennis Club.

The following events have been arranged and the Club Committee really do want as many as possible to take part.

Club Senior & Junior Championships
Oct 11th/12th – 18th/19th
Events are Men’s and Ladies' Singles,
(Mixed Doubles –draw for partners will be played at a later date.)
Boys' & Girls' Singles – 16 and under, 12 and under and Mini Tennis 8s,9s and10s
Entry form already e-mailed to every member
Closing date 6th October.

Conister Trust Junior Open –
Wed. 30th Oct – Sun 2nd Nov
Events – Boys' & Girls' Singles 10 and under; 12 and under, 14 and under, 18 and under
Boys' & Girls' Doubles – format depends on level of entry
Conister form is attached at the back of latest issue of Tramlines

Todmorden –re-arranged triangular match between Albany, Castletown and
Ramsey – it is hoped this will be re-arranged in November. Date to be confirmed

Albany Flitch – date still to be fixed, possibly late November or in Christmas/New Year holiday. Members will be e-mailed as soon as date is known
This event is for married couples. It is an automatic handicap, FUN event – strictly no arguing! Otherwise known as the “Good Shot, Dear” tournament. It will be played on a Sunday afternoon – it would help if you would let Jane Reynolds (627052) or Pat Sharp (861497) know if you are interested in taking part.

Tuesday Turbo Tennis returns for the winter and will start on November 4th.
Forms have been e-mailed to all members.
Registration to Andy Murray by 24th October

Bingo Night – there is also competition off court on Friday 17th October
starting at 6.45pm.
Entry fee £5 includes supper (£3 for 10 and under)
Tickets from Frances (674581) Jane (627052) or Alison (663951)

Also the Winter League matches start in November – so it’s going to be very busy at Ballaughton Meadows.

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