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Ayre Clay Pigeon Club Shoot

Eighteen shooters turned out for the annual Brew and Corkill Handicap 100 Skeet Competition on at Ayre Clay Pigeon Club’s Blue Point Range on Sunday.

In bright conditions with little wind, Alan Kinrade and Kevin Oates showed how it should be done with 25 straight, with Dave Corlett was just one target behind on 24.

Round two and Rachel Bowen Mathews shot straight with David Morgan, Jeff Corkill, Alan Kinrade and Madeline Simpson on 24.

No straights in round 3 as Kinrade, Corkill and Oates all missed just one, and Kevin Airey upped his game to also shoot 24.

Corkill and Morgan shot perfect 25s in the last round with Oates, Simpson, Victor Annand, Tony Cuffe and Peter Fabrizio shooting 24s to ensure a very close finish.

Super veteran Harry Dicken. James Bradley and Kinrade all hit 23s.

After handicaps had been added there was a tie between Alan Kinrade and David Morgan with 98 apiece, Morgan taking first after a shoot-off.

There was also a three way tie for high gun with Kinrade, Corkill and Oates all on 96 ex 100, requiring another shoot off to establish positions, which Kevin Oates duly won.

Results: High Gun: Kevin Oates 96 + 24 = 120. Handicap shoot: 1, David Morgan 98 + 23 = 121; 2, Alan Kinrade 98 + 22 = 120; 3= Jeff Corkill and Kevin Oates 97.

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