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Why would you want to hunt a wren?

Photo courtesy of Culture Vannin

A Manx tradition: explained

Why would you want to hunt a wren?

Well, that's exactly what people do on the Island, every Boxing Day - 26 December.

Culture Vannin says 'Hunt the Wren' is "one of the most popular and yet more unusual Manx traditions in practice today."

You can find out more about the ancient tradition here.

In short, communities congregate in a circle around a (pretend) wren, held aloft on a pole, with song, dance and merriment.

Here's a report on the activity, featuring Dr Chloë Woolley of Culture Vannin, Dollin Mercer, music, song, and Howard Caine with a rendition of the poem 'Manxman, Spare That Wren!':

Here's where and when you can join in:

RAMSEY - St Paul's Church; 10.30am.

ST JOHNS - Arboretum car park; 10.30am.

PORT ST MARY - Scoill Purt-le-Moirrey car park; 10am.

KIRK MICHAEL - Mitre pub; 11am.

BALLAUGH - Raven Pub; 11.20am.

SULBY - Glen Pub; 11.40am.

DOUGLAS - Woodbourne Pub; 10.15am for 10.30am start.

Singing, dancing and hunting the wren must be over by 12 noon to avoid bad luck!

Following that, head to St John's to take part or watch the annual Cammag match.

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