Manx charity says rising homeless number 'huge problem'
Housing Matters says it's unable to re-home the rising number of people using its service.
Two fifths of people using the Manx charity are classed as homeless - and Julie Marshall says there's been a significant rise in numbers over the last 12 months.
More than two hundred of a total of 508 people are registered with them as 'no fixed abode'.
Ms Marshall says it's reaching a point now where they're struggling to house people:
Meanwhile, the homeless charity Graih is calling for government to make a commitment to help some of the Island's most vulnerable.
Griah is continuing to run a night time shelter following a 12-month pilot scheme.
Erica Irwin from the charity says funding however is insecure, and wants government to step in to guarantee its future.
Ms Irwin says there's an opportunity to provide some stability: