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Wakefield man jailed

A 31-year-old man has been jailed by the High Bailiff for two months after pleading guilty to assaulting a police officer.

Sean Andrew Carbutt, from Wakefield in West Yorkshire, also admitted being drunk and disorderly and to disorderly behaviour on licenced premises.

The offences were committed inside and outside Nightlife nightclub in Ramsey in the early hours of April 5th.

Edward Oldham reports:

(Text of attached audio)

He got involved in an argument with his brother, struggled with security staff while they threw him out then kicked an officer in the face while he was being put in the police van.

Carbutt's advocate said the argument with his brother had got out of hand and the defendant was genuinely appalled at his behaviour.

High Bailiff Michael said he wasn't having police officers used as Aunt Sallys.

He said they had a difficult enough job to do as it was without having to deal with drunken people, adding they'd be afforded the full protection of the courts.

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