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Views sought on new marine conservation area

Designation would protect eelgrass beds off Laxey

The public is being asked for feedback about the creation of another Marine Nature Reserve.

Its job would be to protect recently discovered eelgrass beds off Laxey.

Eelgrass is recognised for its ability to store atmospheric carbon.

As well as storing carbon, eelgrass acts as a buffer to protect coastlines and also as a fish spawning ground.

Coastal habitats with eelgrass are shown to remove carbon from the atmosphere at three times the rate of land-based habitats, like forests.

If given the go-ahead, it would be the tenth such reserve around the Manx coast; others include Bay Ny Carrickey, Langness, Niarbyl and The Calf.

Feedback from the public on this new reserve area is being encouraged with the cut off 25 April.

Meanwhile, the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture says it is looking at the way eelgrass conservation areas are flourishing but stresses that a balance is being looked for with local fisheries and recreational use.

You can read the full details and the consultation and respond HERE.

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