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Victoria Street parking suspension postponed as Douglas café says it wasn't consulted

Image credit: Fork It, via Facebook

Fork It owners criticise construction firm and DOI as café missed during 'letter drop'

A parking suspension along Victoria Street in Douglas has been postponed after a café on the route said it wasn't consulted.
The owners of Fork It say they arrived this morning (16 October) to find the spaces blocked off.

In a post on social media, the café said: "NK CONSTRUCTION put an application in to shut the road for their redevelopment of Villiers Square and were supposed to consult EVERY BUSINESS that would be affected for feedback.

"But no one from that company got in touch with me and I’ve only found out from the hairdressers up the street (who only just found out this morning also!)

"Fork It will absolutely be affected by not letting customers park outside the shop. It’s absolutely disgusting from the DOI and NK Construction!"

If the suspension goes ahead, it's due to be in force until 23 March 2026.

Cones Moved

A spokesperson for the DOI told Manx Radio: 'The Department of Infrastructure has today had a positive meeting with the business in question.

'The key issue is the long-term suspension of the bus stop on Loch Promenade, as the alternative arrangement is for buses to stop in Victoria Street instead.

'An agreement has been reached to postpone the suspension of parking on Victoria Street, designed to allow one bus to pass another that is waiting, and monitor the effect this has on congestion in the city centre.

'As background, the Department’s role in matters such as this is to support applicants who wish to make changes to the highway. Applicants are often construction firms that bring a range of benefits to the community and wider economy, including trade for local businesses.

'The application process includes a requirement that appropriate communication is undertaken by the applicant to inform those affected.

'The Highway Services division deals with more than 600 applications every year; in addition to roadworks, this total includes requests for filming and a wide range of events, particularly during the spring and summer.

'It is impractical for the team of two who undertake this work to check whether every business has been informed of forthcoming changes. Instead, they rely on being provided with accurate information.

'The Department is pleased to continue working with applicants, residents and local businesses to identify compromise and appropriate solutions at all times.'

Missed Off The List

Manx Radio also approached NK Construction for comment.

The firm says: "A letter drop including information relating to the bus stop relocation and the suspension of parking was circulated to surrounding businesses in the vicinity of the Villiers Square site in September. Regretfully, the two businesses concerned did not receive this correspondence.

"NK Construction Limited have since met with the affected businesses this morning (16th October 2024) to review the matter and will discuss the approved bus stop relocation and parking suspension with the appropriate authorities."

"It is hard enough running a small business on the island without this added stress." - Fork It

See below the update provided by Fork It this afternoon:

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