Manx Telecom beginning phased switch to new system
Broadband customers will experience a service outage as work is undertaken to significantly upgrade the network.
Manx Telecom will begin a phased change to a new core system which, the company says, is 'based on technology for the future'.
The separate Fibre rollout plan will have fibre networks available to 99 per cent of the Isle of Man by 2024.
Chief executive Gary Lamb says 'other technologies' may be needed for the areas where Fibre won't reach.
He was also asked if the switch to the new broadband network system will be an extra cost to customers:
Broadband customers will be told in advance of when the switch in their area will happen.
When it does occur it'll take place between midnight and 6am, on the given day, and customers will experience service outage for a couple of hours.