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Under half of Tynwald members make mileage claims

There are more saints than sinners when it comes to mileage claims by Tynwald members.

In a written answer, Treasury Minister Allan Bell revealed 14 members received mileage expenses between April 2006 and 2007, compared with only seven in the last year. However 21 current members have received no payments in the last three years.

Rushen MHK Quintin Gill came top of the expenses league table, claiming over £10,000 during the period. His fellow Rushen members did not make any claims.

All eight Douglas MHKs funded their own travel, as did the MHKs for Ramsey and Peel and five current members of the Legislative Council.

Between April 2008 and 2009 Quintin Gill claimed for over £4,000 worth of mileage. Michael MHK David Cannan was the next highest claimant, clocking up over £2,600 of mileage expenses, followed by Chief Minister Tony Brown.

Onchan MHKs Peter Karran and David Quirk didn't make claims, although Home Affairs Minister Adrian Earnshaw, who also represents the constituency, claimed £92.56.

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