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Two further cases of Covid-19

Number of active cases increases to 21

A further two people have tested positive for Covid-19 on the Isle of Man.

The latest figures from the Isle of Man Government, published at 4pm today, show a total of 396 have had coronavirus on the Island since the start of the outbreak last year.

One person tested positive after a day one test in self-isolation, while contact tracing is ongoing to identify the source of the second. No link has been established between this case and the two recent clusters, or the pupil at St Mary's Primary School.

It means there are now 21 active cases of the illness on Island, eight of which relate to people who were tested during self-isolation after travelling to the Island.

There are no people awaiting results, but 238 are waiting to be tested, with 374 tests completed over the last 24 hours.



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