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Trespass accused to appear in court this morning

DEFA claims self-built cabin shouldn't have been built

A man who lives off-grid in a self-built cabin in a rural part of the Island will appear in court this morning accused of trespass.

Dan Richardson, whose cabin close to Ramsey Forest was nominated for a biosphere award, has been taken to court by the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture over claims his woodland holding infringes onto the department’s estate - and he has no right to have built there.

Mr Richardson, who aims to live what's described as a "sustainable lifestyle" has ignored eviction notices served on him.

If found guilty in the civil summary court this morning, he could be fined up to £500.

A crowdfunding page, which has been set up to raise money to help Mr Richardson in his case, has received £340 towards its £1,000 target.

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