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Teenager attacked man in front of shoppers

Ramsey man to be sentenced in December

A teenager from Ramsey will be sentenced in December after attacking a man in front of shoppers in Douglas.


Nineteen-year-old Lewis Jack Moulder Kelly of North Shore Road appeared before magistrates at Douglas courthouse.


He admitted affray – the court heard his victim hadn’t wanted to press charges of assault.


Prosecution advocate Rachael Braidwood told the hearing Kelly was in Castle Street at around 4pm on 23 July when he was involved in a verbal altercation.


Mrs Braidwood said Kelly had been rowing with a man and his father as they walked along the street, and when his victim turned his back Kelly punched him in the side of the head.


He then ran off but was caught by police a short time later on Derby Square Lane.


The court heard Kelly, who has a number of previous convictions, had carried out the attack in front of shoppers whose horror was captured by CCTV.


Magistrates bailed Kelly for pre-sentencing reports, and he’ll appear again for sentencing on 5 December.

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