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TB case - no need for parents to worry

Letters are being sent to all parents at an Island primary school after a case of tuberculosis was confirmed.

One child at Ashley Hill in Onchan has been diagnosed with the disease, but it's not clear how serious the infection is.

It's a case of TB of the lungs, which can spread when the infected person coughs.

The pupil's close contacts - family, friends and school staff - are being offered screening.

The letters will be sent on Monday, but the school is due to open as planned after the half-term holiday.

Director of public health Dr Parameswaran Kishore is not expecting any further cases, but says all necessary steps are being taken.

He told Manx Radio:

"Purely as a matter of precaution, whenever you find a case of TB you screen all those who have been in close contact with them, who are at risk, but very rarely you turn up (another case).

"But it's very difficult to say at this stage, and that's the whole purpose of screening.

"We screen for two reasons - one to identify them early, and also, unfortunately, TB is not a disease which progresses dramatically.

"It's very slow in onset and many people do not develop symptoms, so it's very difficult to say who has has got it and who hasn't, so that's why we do the screening."

Dr Kishore is also reassuring parents.

He says there is no need to worry and they will soon be receiving a letter with further details:

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