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Students hold third climate change protest

Around 50 involved in strike outside legislative buildings

A third climate change protest took place outside the legislative buildings on Friday lunchtime.

Made up predominantly of students, around 50 were in attendance as placards and signs were held aloft calling on politicians to take decisive action on the matter.

A series of protests have been organised in numerous countries around the world, inspired by the Swedish schoolgirl activist Greta Thunberg.

More than 20,000 students have held strikes in at least 270 cities worldwide.

Campaigners have also blocked roads, disrupted public transport and glued themselves together during ten days of protests in London to raise awareness of the issue.

Manx resident Philippa Tomlinson travelled to England's capital to participate in the movement set up by the Extinction Rebellion group, becoming one of more than a thousand to be arrested for their involvement.

Chief Minister Howard Quayle declared a climate change emergency earlier this month and politicians debated the issue in Tynwald this week.

Several politicians attended the protests on Friday, including Garff MHK Martyn Perkins and Bill Henderson MLC.

These students told Manx Radio why they were continuing with their protest:

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