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Stuart Baggs: tributes continue

Police say post mortem exam complete

Police say they’re still not certain why Apprentice star and local businessman Stuart Baggs died earlier this week, after a post-mortem examination was carried out yesterday.

Mr Baggs was found dead at his home on Central Promenade on Thursday morning.

In a statement, officers say while the cause of his death has not yet been fully determined, there remains no reason to view the circumstances as suspicious.

They say they’ll continue with routine enquiries on behalf of the Coroner of Inquests, and a date for the opening of an inquest will be announced in due course.

Meanwhile, tributes continue to flood in for the 27 year old - fellow Apprentice contestant Katie Hopkins recalled him fondly in a newspaper column.

Here on the Island, his friend Jo Cutsforth says there's a side of Stuart people didn't see:

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