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Stay on airport parking charge

A controversial plan to impose charges for short-stay parking at Isle of Man Airport has been put back.

Infrastructure minister David Cretney says he'll defer a final decision on introducing a £1 charge for the first hour's parking until 14 July - the measure had been due to come into forceĀ from Monday.

Writing on Facebook this morning, Mr Cretney said he'll think further about the issue after meeting with the passenger watchdog body TravelWatch yesterday and receiving correspondence from members of the public.

Mr Cretney has responded to those opposed to the new charge, saying his department is under orders to save £2 million over the next three years. The parking charge is expected to raise £40,000 per year.

Minister Cretney says if confirmed, the charge will be introduced at the start of August.

Plans to impose the nominal charge were revealed earlier this week by TravelWatch, which complained the public had not been properly informed about the change, nor given enough time to prepare for it.

The group has urged the minister to provide a short-stay parking facility for those meeting passengers close to the airport building.

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