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Silver Surfer Week

A week-long campaign designed to help older people discover the benefits of computer technology will begin today (Monday).

Age Concern is supporting Silver Surfer Week 2007, a series of one-hour taster sessions which will be held at the charity’s five computer drop-in centres around the Island.

They’re aimed principally at people who’ve never touched a computer before and are curious about their use.

The idea is to familiarise people with the basics of using a PC and showing them how to use e-mail and access the internet in a straightforward way that may encourage them to want to learn more.

All sessions have been fully booked.

The first session takes place at Southlands Resource Centre in Port St Mary at ten o’clock this morning, followed by one at Ny Kiare Thieyn Resource Centre, off Derby Road in Peel, at 2 pm.

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