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Short Keys questions for Tuesday sitting

Just four questions for oral answer

There's a short but varied question paper in the House of Keys tomorrow.

The four questions for oral answer cover gynaecology, property, Brexit and children's health.

Kate Beecroft wants to know who government sold the Middlemarch site in Douglas to and for how much - that question is for the infrastructure minister.

The health and social care minister will be asked by Martyn Perkins how many women here have had gynaecological mesh implants in the last five years.

There's a question from Julie Edge for the policy and reform minister on whether there's been an increase in the number of civil service posts to help deal with Brexit and if so, how many.

And Jason Moorhouse is asking whether the Department of Education, Sport and Culture is encouraging schools here to take part in the Daily Mile or similar activities.

There's coverage of House of Keys questions on Manx Radio's AM1368 frequency, and via and the smartphone apps, from 10am.

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