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Shipyard must pay DED back rent

Long running dispute settled

A Ramsey company has been ordered to pay more than £40,000 to the Department of Economic Development in a dispute over rent.

DSC ltd had refused to pay rent on Ramsey Shipyard since August 2013 because it claimed the department hadn’t carried out badly-needed work.

In court, company director Glyn Jones said the premises on Shipyard Road were in a poor condition – potentially threatening the safety of his workers and impacting on his business.

However, the DED pointed out it had spent more than £176,000 on repairs to the slipway wall, roof and nearby road.

Deemster Morris hearing the case, said the Department of Economic Development was entitled to its rent under a lease signed in 2011.

And he said although he was convinced Mr Jones was genuinely concerned over the condition of the premises, he’d grant the court order for the back payment of rent, mesne profits and interest which amounted to more than £41,000.

But he also agreed to postpone enforcement by six months, saying the business employs a number of staff and also has commitments to customers.

He also dismissed a counterclaim by Mr Jones, but said he was free to start fresh litigation against the department if he chose.

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