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Sheep conference in full flow

Pic: courtesy of Rawdon Hayne

Delegates flock to Island

The 7th Annual North Atlantic Wool and Sheep Conference is being held on the Island this weekend, attracting guests from as far away as Scandinavia.

A busy programme of events has taken delegates on tours of the Island, meeting Loaghtan farmers, and visiting the Laxey Woollen Mills to learn about the process of making Manx Tartan.

A craft fair at the iMuseum is also showcasing woollen produce from a variety of countries and a series of guest speakers are giving talks at the Manx Museum.

Delegate Alice Underwood is part of the Woolclip Cooperative in Cumbria which has been working for 15 years to preserve native sheep breeds and add value to their wool.

She explains some of the reasons why Loaghtans are her personal breed of choice.

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