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School children collect 681kg for Isle of Man Foodbank

Donations collected in one week as part of competition

Pupils at Peel Clothworkers' School have collectively raised 681kg of donations for the Isle of Man Foodbank.

The contributions were part of a competition, run by the school, which promised the winning year group an afternoon of free play. 

Year 4 student Jake Bell said: "I brought lots of stuff in so we can help the foodbank. I brought loads of milk in because it’s heavy and big."

His classmate Delilah Staley added: "I like to help people when they need stuff and I think that it’s nice to help people who need help."

The fundraising drive was organised by Year 6 teacher Jess Engelnick.

She told Manx Radio the children had learnt about the foodbank in assemblies and were happy to help:

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