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Responses to landlord bill published

Infrastructure department to consider consultation conclusions

Your views on plans to introduce a register of private landlords and their properties have been published by government.

It's after a consultation was held by the Department of Infrastructure.  

Just under 250 people and organisations responded to the survey.

54% of respondents agreed the personal conduct requirements for a relevant landlord are reasonable.

66% agreed with the principle of a Rent Deposit Protection Scheme on the Isle of Man.

Popular themes were that the bill requires more tenant accountability, it will diminish the market, and is unnecessary government

55% disagreed that the maximum penalty of 12 months’ custody and a fine of up to £50,000 for failure to comply with an improvement notice is fair and reasonable.

The DoI now considering what's been said, and is now working up legislation and policy before bringing the final product to the House of Keys.  


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