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Residents highlight cost of living struggles

Calls for "less words, more action"

Cycling 22 miles a day to avoid high petrol prices, having one partner work days and the other nights to save money on childcare costs, and deciding week by week which bills to pay and which ones not to.

Those are just some of the examples we've been given at Manx Radio of ways people are trying to make ends meet during this cost of living crisis.

Government has pledged to offer more support, but will it go far enough?

Amy Griffiths has been finding out, firstly hearing Claire's story:

The chief minister has pledged to support the most vulnerable in society through these difficult times, and is expected to be announced later today.

Alfred Cannan has also said that more needs to be done to help others beyond these groups, and will chair a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Tuesday before meeting with all members of Tynwald to consider further options.


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