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Ramsey man tried to send £34,000 by ferry

Thirty-year-old remanded in custody

A court's heard a Ramsey man tried to send tens of thousands of pounds to the UK by hiding it inside a burger van and putting it on a ferry.

Thirty-year-old Lee Little, of St Pauls Square, appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas Courthouse.

He's charged with possessing cannabis with intent to supply, possessing cocaine and diazepam, possessing £1,500 of criminal property and attempting to remove £4,900 in criminal property.

Prosecution advocate Roger Kane told the court police had seized a fast-food van on January 28 this year – and inside found more than £34,000.

The hearing was told Mr Little bought the van from a man in Peel who'd wanted to operate it during TT.

When police raided his home and Bay Wash in Douglas, where he works, they found digital scales, drugs and items said to have been used to deal drugs.

The court heard more than £14,000 worth of cannabis and cocaine was discovered by officers during searches.

A bail application was refused and Mr Little was remanded in custody.

He's next due in court on 20 July.

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