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Ramsey Forest Project launch re-scheduled

The launch of the Ramsey Forest Project has been rescheduled for this weekend.

Bad weather put paid to a mass tree planting on New Year's Day which should have marked the official start of what is a 30 year project to raise the amount of woodland cover around Ramsey by about 10 per cent.

The launch will now take place at 1pm on Saturday, January 18 when it's hoped dozens of volunteers will help plant 300 broad leaved trees around the Mooragh Park and north Ramsey.

Project manager Andree Dubbeldam from Wildflowers of Mann says the increase in tree cover is designed for the benefit of not just wildlife,but people and the economy.

If you want to go along, meet at 1pm at the Mooragh Car Park on Saturday and bring a spade and wellies. The event will go ahead unless the weather is particularly bad.

More details are available online at the Manx Wildlife Trust website -

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