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Question of silt disposal raised again

Govt asks private sector to offer solutions

The government is asking interested parties to offer solutions for the removal of thousands of tonnes of contaminated silt from Peel Marina.

A 'prior information notice' has been issued to find contractors with the relevant expertise to process the waste into a more environmentally friendly form.

Dredging last took place in 2015, when 10,000 tonnes of silt was removed to a site on Poortown Road.

Historical mining in the area has led to heavy metals such as lead and cadmium washing down the River Neb into the inner harbour, which then compacts within the silt at the bottom of the Marina.

The toxic nature of this waste means disposal at sea is no longer an option, due to the risks it would pose to marine ecosystems.

In 2017 compensation was awarded to berth holders at the marina, after the silt build up stopped some vessels mooring.    

A cross-departmental steering group chaired by Tim Baker MHK has identified a number of sustainable ways of disposing of the waste.

These include treatment processes, geo-textile bags, and potentially using it to re-invigorate old mining areas.

Landfill is also being considered as a contingency plan, although no site has been identified.

Mr Baker says a sustainable way forward is the priority, and help may come from further afield:

Watch more of the interview on the Manx Radio Portal

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