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PwC SAVE payments revealed

£24,000 to assess feasibility of idea

The total amount paid to PriceWaterhouse Cooper for its work on government's SAVE project has been revealed.

The scheme initially invited residents to submit ideas on how to save £25million over five years.

Treasury Minister Alfred Cannan confirmed PwC has received £24,000 in total for its work carried out on the initiative.

That payment is for what's known as proof of concept work - essentially assessing whether the idea was feasible or not.

Additional spending was also incurred during the first phase of the SAVE project, where an online ideas hub was set-up; as well as extra money used for PR material and to buy refreshments at Members' briefings.

It brings the overall total spent by government on the scheme to around £30,000.

Suggestions for the SAVE scheme put forward by the public include reforming the Island's bus services and a new approach to legal aid. 

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