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'Extreme measure' by PSM on land row

Commissioners take petition to Hill

Port St Mary Commissioners are set to become the first local authority in the Island, to challenge the actions of government with a Tynwald Day Petition for Redress. 

They're using the ancient process to question the ownership of land on part of the beach which has been built on by developers.

The authority has claimed since 2009 that the land is part of Port St Mary's designated harbour area, and therefore part of the government estate.

The petition is said to have the unanimous support of the Board of  Commissioners, and more than 40 village residents have added their signatures. 

The document to be presented to the Lieutenant Governor on Tynwald Hill, calls on government to protect the public's right to enjoy beaches, foreshores and rights of way.

Board chairman Alan Grace said: "We as a Board, take no pleasure in mounting this extreme measure to make [Government] honour their responsibilities, but no other community on this Island should have its rights overlooked as ours have been."

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