Manx Loaghtan lamb has been awarded Europe-wide recognition as a protected foodstuff.
Gaining the prestigious Protected Designation of Origin European Union quality stamp puts the Manx meat in the same category as products including Champagne, Gorgonzola cheese and Parma ham.
The PDO legislation is designed to protect the names of regional foods by guaranteeing that only goods from the designated region are allowed to trade as such.
Edward Oldham reports (text, below, from attached audio file):
George Steriopulos of the Manx Loaghtan Marketing Cooperative says the meat is already recognised by consumers and celebrity chefs, such as the Hairy Bikers, as having far better taste, and being a much healthier option than ordinary lamb.
He says the award of a PDO means that isn't just an option, it's a recognised fact.
Loaghtan Lamb is only the fifth meat from the British Isles to achieve the status.
Its PDO stamp came into effect from last Tuesday, April 22.
(Picture: Loaghtan sheep, courtesy of