Drop-in sessions taking place next week
Pregnant women are being invited to meet with professionals who can assist during their ‘pregnancy journey’.
The Jane Crookall Maternity Unit team will host ‘Healthy Mums, Healthy Babies Week’ at The Roundhouse next week.
The drop-in sessions will be attended by various services that assist families on the Island including midwives, health visitors, police, the birth reflection team and neonatal unit.
Sessions will take place between 9am and 1pm each day between 20 and 24 January.
Head of Midwifery, Regan Baggley, said: “We understand that being pregnant can be daunting and stressful whether it’s the first time or otherwise.
“This week is an opportunity for parents to come along and discuss any concerns with the team, to find out what support is available and how you can maintain healthy habits.
“All expectant mothers and people who are planning to start a family are welcome.
“A timetable of available services will be shared soon – we look forward to seeing you there!”
Manx Care stopped face-to-face antenatal classes for women last year.
It’s led to a retired midwife launching her own three-week course to help fill the gap – you can find out more HERE.