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Police respond over carnival 'killjoy' jibes

Police officers enjoying the Carnival by day

Organisers 'did not act' on licence advice

Police say the organisers of Castletown Carnival have themselves to blame for the lack of entertainment on Saturday night.

Officers say the event committee had been advised to apply for a music and dancing licence - but chose not to.

The carnival's operated in the past without a licence - because as a community event it's judged 'philanthropic'.

But in recent years, police say drunkenness at the evening concert has become a major problem - especially among teenagers - and more officers are needed on duty to keep public order. 

After being widely criticised on social media, police issued a statement, accusing organisers of failing to manage behaviour at their own event.

Inspector Gavin Callow says policing Castletown Carnival has become a headache:

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