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Planning committee to hear evidence

Politicians and civil servants to speak at hearing

A minister, top civil servants, MHKs, councillors and officials will all face a Tynwald committee looking into planning tomorrow.

The Environment and Infrastructure Policy Review Committee will first hear evidence from Environment, Food and Agriculture Minister Geoffrey Boot, Chief Executive Richard Lole and Director of Planning and Building Control Jennifer Chance.

They're due to start at 10am.

Next, at 11am, it's the turn of MHKs Alex Allinson, Daphne Caine and Lawrie Hooper.

Finally, at midday, the committee will hear from Douglas Councillor Ritchie McNicholl, Director of Environmental Services Dana Eynon, and Dilapidation Enforcement Officer Stephen Salter.

The evidence will be taken in the Legislative Council Chamber, Legislative Buildings, Bucks Road, Douglas.

Members of the public are welcome to attend, or you can listen via the audio webcast service on the Tynwald website.

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