Exact numbers of those who've actually arrived unknown
Permission has been granted for 36 Ukrainian refugees to travel to the Isle of Man.
That's according to the government which says it doesn't know how many of those people have actually arrived.
Applications opened in March, following the Russian invasion, with the Manx public asked to register their interest in hosting refugees in their homes or spare property.
More than 200 people officially offered their support by signing up to the Isle of Man Homes for Ukraine' scheme - something that asked them to commit to helping people fleeing conflict for at least six months.
Nineteen people have been granted permission to travel here through the Ukraine family scheme pathway and 17 have gained approval through the sponsorship pathway.
Government has also advertised a number of part-time, limited term, roles to provide support to those arriving from the Ukraine - especially in education.
It says the level of additional staffing required will depend upon the number of children who move here, the nature of their needs and where families settle across the Island.
Arrivals from Ukraine, or their hosts here on the Island, can seek support by emailing at Ukrainesupport@gov.im.