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Mec Vannin defends new fishing rules

Scallop boats must check in at Manx ports

Nationalist party Mec Vannin has expressed support for the Manx government over new scallop fishing regulations, which will require all vessels fishing in Island waters to call at a local port each day.

Concerns have been raised on the impact this, and other changes, could have on Scottish fishermen by Kirkcudbright Council.

Councillors have written to the Scottish Cabinet Secretary, Fergus Ewing, demanding action is taken to 'regularise the situation'.

In an open letter to Mr Ewing, Mec Vannin says calling at a Manx port is a 'perfectly reasonable requirement', and warned any interference in the management of the Island's fisheries is 'extremely counterproductive'.      

The changes, introduced by the Island's Scallop Management board, come into effect from 8 January.

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