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Mask wearing re-introduced at hospitals due to Covid spike

Measure applies to public and staff

Manx Care is re-introducing mask wearing in patient facing clinical areas at both Noble's and Ramsey Cottage hospitals.

The move is in response to a recent rise in the admission of Covid positive patients.

The measure applies to Manx Care employees and members of the public visiting people in hospital.

Manx Care employees who are either District Nurses or those who work in the community will be wearing masks when in direct contact with patients. Again, people attending appointments may choose to wear a facemask themselves although this is not mandatory.

Members of the public visiting a friend or relative in a residential care home operated by Manx Care will also be asked to wear facemasks, although this will not be mandatory for residents.

The new Covid-19 variant that is currently circulating is more transmissible than previous variants, and for most people is a very mild infection. Manx Care is taking this step as a precautionary measure given the recent increase in Covid-positive patients alongside an increase in employee absence as a result of the virus.

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