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Manx2 responds to crash report findings


Manx2 says it welcomes the findings of a report into the Cork Air crash which killed six people in February 2011.


Earlier today, the Air Accident Investigation Unit of the Irish Department of Transport published its findings, saying the company’s business model wasn’t suited to passenger safety because of its lack of transparency.


It said tired, under-trained crew and poor visibility were critical factors when the pilot and co-pilot lost control of the flight from Belfast as it tried to land for a third time.


Manx2 ceased trading in 2012 but its former directors and staff have cooperated throughout the three year long investigation.


Nobody from Manx2 has yet been available for interview, but in a statement released by the company it says the incident’s devastating impact hasn’t diminished over the passage of time – and its thoughts and sympathies are with the families of those who lost their lives or were injured.


Manx2 says all the companies it worked with were required to work to regulatory standards, including those of the European Aviation Safety Agency.


But it says “Unfortunately, the report is clear that the prime causes of the accident were decisions made by the Flightline crew in adverse weather conditions, compounded by inappropriate crew rostering by the operator and a significant lack of oversight by the Spanish air safety authority.”

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