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Manx people urged to buy local lamb

Industry in need of support

The Manx Co-op is urging customers to shop for local produce as much as possible.

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, some Manx sheep farmers are struggling to process the number of lambs.

Prior the pandemic Manx meat would be sent off-Island to supply markets in the UK as well as to local businesses in the hospitality sector. 

However, the Manx government’s closure of cafes and restaurants and non-essential businesses/services means there is an surplus of meat available.

Anna Kerruish of Anna Farms in Maughold is one of the Island's many sheep farmers affected.

She says exports to European markets have 'vanished'.

She's encouraging people to give lamb a try, and hopes more supermarkets will take on more Manx produce.

Here she is speaking to Manx Radio's Lewis Foster from the top of a windy hillside:



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