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Man nicknamed 'Crackhead' admits to burglary

Thirty-two-year-old caught stealing on CCTV

A man will be sentenced in January after admitting burgling one former employer, and taking goods belonging to another.


Thirty-two-year-old David Christopher Cain of Cullyn Link in Douglas appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas courthouse.


He admitted one count of burglary at Manx Independent Carriers in Union Mills on 17 November.


Prosecution advocate Rebecca Cubbon told the court Cain and another man drove to the warehouse at around 10:30pm, in a white Transit van which didn't have number plates.


Cain deactivated the alarm and loaded the van with a high-definition TV, a washer-dryer, cooker and dishwasher which belonged to his then-employer, Curry's PC World.


However, when MIC audited its warehouse and noticed the items were missing staff reviewed CCTV footage and recognised Cain, who they'd nicknamed “Crackhead”.


Police arrested him, and he told them he'd sold the items for £400 – none were ever recovered by investigating officers.


Mrs Hughes bailed Cain in the sum of £500, and he'll next appear for sentencing on 21 January.

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